Monday, November 26, 2012

Ever have one of those days?
things going fine and then you get a number of folks that have done something dumb?

I seem to have had several in the past week or so. those dumb things are a time sink to me. i dont like letting folks hang just because they cant seem to listen or are hard of thinking.

its the heard of thinking that i dont like the most; tell a guy what he needs to do a job and next thing you know he's gone and bought the wrong thing. not because he's stupid but because he has a difficult time understanding that what you say is really what you need to have happen.

Folks just dont get it! Why in the FUCK would i waste my breath saying something if it wasn't what actually needed to happen? hell my wife gets on me for not holding conversations as it is, it's not like i like to hear my own voice so much i chatter like some stupid empty headed teen in the agony of adulesants trying to get laid or something. Even when i was of that age the option wasn't open to me.

for fucks sake just listen and follow instructions without interpreting the order!!!

my love says that its safer on land and folks dont learn how to follow instructions because they aren't so likely to die as a result of it.  personally i think she tends to be to apologist for the idiocy of people in the world in general. I personally think the world would be a better place if folks had some sudden death experiences to make them realize that its not some goddamn game when you ask for my help.

bhaa its the same all over; tell some dude he cant make an RMH out of all steel and just as soon as you turn your back he's gone and done it and then wants you to fix the fucking thing for him. again another time waster sucking my patience dry to serve some sort of compulsion to turn every problem into a nail cause all he has is a hammer.

My advice; "Learn to use another fucking tool! your brain would be a favorite!"
to many folks dont actually think past what ever stupid trade they have done to the exclusion of every thing else. like we need more fucking specialists in the world.

try other things learn other work; dont specialize yourself into a corner. this used to actually be advice now its all about being the perfect cog in the machine so when something breaks or is redesigned you are no longer of any use to the machine. stupid shit if i ever have seen it!

speaking of doing different stuff I am working on a parabolic solar hot water heater. looks like after tomorrow i will be ready with a test system so we can do our hydronic floors in the bedroom and bath room. should be nice. I am thinking of getting flag stone for the bathroom so when t heats up its stays warm for a long time. I also ran across an interesting thing about the fluid for a solar heater. mostly in our area they use antifreeze for the fluid however antifreeze can still freeze and blow coils. some one suggested using motor oil----- well duh!!! it wont freeze, its wont boil (under normal load) and it wont kill ya if you drink a little bit (sides its horrid tasting and you will know when you have a leak).

oh and  its far cheaper than 150.00 a gallon (food grade). so i was thinking that his would be a great system to set up for preheating domestic hot water and my hydronic floors. now i just need to decide if i want to run oil through the hydronic floor and the preheat tank or if i want to run water through the floor and preheat tank. either way i will need to be able to control the zones in the house. my love and i dont like our room to be to hot.  I also will need to find a tank large enough to dump extra heat to when needed. not hard just another time sink. however if i can get this set up it will be really nice for a shop. a heated floor in a stimson shed would be a wonderful thing for winter building. not to mention that i want to put this sort of system on the boat. it would be nice to be able to both heat and cool the boat so it maintains comfort year round. in summer when you need cool you just run cold oil through the floor and in winter when you need it warm you heat the oil.  looks like one controller i need is to a keel cooler for air conditioning in the summers. that reminds me that i can do a radiator type system as well.... Ahh the possibilities of heating a cooling when you are off the main grid.

well enough rambling.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

interesting items

did you know you can get paid to Troll? shit on a shingle some slime bag hires folks to come to your site or blog and stir things up with ideological rhetoric that is probably not there own. What a bunch of scum! so here seems to be the father of the thing. and he seems to be a repuglican... Gee whoda thunk it; I am going to do a little bit of digging before i rape this feller cause i think everyone deserves a chance. Chip Griffin,CustomScoop, (, NetVocates, Ahh hell with it this guys as dirty as last weeks underwear. another tick feeding on you by telling us lies to sell stuff. it doesn't matter that it comes down a chain it's still the media sales big business lie factory run by the political asshats that think we are all morons.
I would like to see a graph one fine day of just the IQ scores of our politicians and the supporting folks who bow and scrape for them. I think what i would see is some really stupid folks that have a slime coating of charisma. A second tear of dummies that are to stupid to think for them selves. then the graph would take an uptick as we got into the lever of the blood suckers and parasites that are the life blood of politics. her we would begin to see some average IQ's, the next level is the internal parasites  Liver flukes and tape worms. this is where we actually see intelligence  this is where the Chip G types live deep in the guts laying eggs and weakening the whole animal so they can feed more effectively.

these internal parasites are the folk we can thank for the wing nuts. These are the talking head creators that pull the strings of the idiots at both ends. Let me say that these internal blood suckers latched into the walls of the guts are the same in both parties. 

How do we get rig of this kind of slime in our internet world? what is free speech when its paid for by a marketing company? I have some question as to if it is called free speech. this is the sort of thing that making companies citizens thing causes. If i Follow the Rules then these folks are the voice of the company and as a person the right of free speech applies. As a corp these are flunkies that should be black listed and every post deleted. I wonder why the netizens have not done away with these guys. Anonymous is concentrating on the wrong folks. in the internet freedom thing its folks Like I mentioned above that are the real threat to the nets. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Idiots in the government

Sometimes I look at the world and go huh? one of those times was just a few days ago. i was reading the AP news (cause i like to see what's not making the headlines) and that lead me to reading a few political blogs. both sides of the isle. Good god the folks are total idiots!
A few points off the top of my head.

1. it is not the federal governments job to handle states problems! did you folks in the big shiny halls never bloody read the section on state rights? if those guys would stop expecting the feds to bail them out all the time the fed would not have its fingers in all the pies. New Orleans is a fine example. its not the federal governments job to rebuild the place or to provide the money to do so. that responsibility rests firmly on the state. why then is federal money going into the effort? the same goes with the rest of the gulf states. what do the populations in the states pay state taxes for?

2.  The federal taxes are to be used for things that benefit the entire country. what part of the entire country is hard to understand? some little town in rural oregon should not even be mentioned in any debate on where the money goes cause unless it is producing a thing that is shared out to every person in every state it is not benefitting the whole. the decision to close a forest service office is not a national problem. Its is Oregon's problem. federal budgets should not be blocked because 10 people are going to lose jobs.

3. state taxes are to be used for state programs. and the companies in that state can bloody well pay a fair share. this is my personal number one gripe companies get tax breaks to set up in a state. fine and dandy but the state needs to be able to make that money up someplace other than folks making min wage.  those folks that have money need to be taxed by the state accordingly not as is done today let off by loop holes. when my taxes take a third of my pay i expect the guy bringing in 500.000 a year to be paying a the equivalent. I am sure that a person can be damn comfy on 200.000 a year.
I dont make a big deal of it but i tell you taxing 10 cents on every dollar without exception would bloody well bring in some money and the feds could stay in fed land.

4. the population of the country has given the feds our freedoms. This is something the states should be guarding against but as usual have failed to see. it seems that as soon as a senator or congressmen gets to the big shiny halls they are willing to give the state population up for a pat on the back or a scrap of power.

IMO it is time the states do the job mandated instead of letting uncle sam and some seat warmer in the oval office make the decisions. we should not even be talking federal budget and pork, federal program cuts for poor folks (myself included), yadda yadda. We should be looking at the state to make these things happen. why the heck is there a federal program to help the homeless in Iowa? that is not the feds job its Iowa's and for damn sure its time Iowa dealt with it on its own dime.

This is not to say every person for them selves its to say that if it doesn't affect the whole country (Iowa's homeless) then it is not a federal problem. not to mention if the states dealt with the homeless problem there would not be a homeless problem in the first place.
programs like single payer health care, interstate highways, emergency services, clean water, multinational business, the power grid Etc. are the Provence of the feds not taking care of individuals with a couple of exceptions.

social security (we all paid in and if it was not touched it would be our retirements. the Fed has never paid back the money it took out of the SS accounts. this was skimming money that does not belong to the fed and those that did it/are doing it should be in court being sued and jailed.
 military vets  have been promised things as is traditional for risking life and limb to protect the commonwealth this is a service that has value long past the active duty part of the commitment. folks seem to think that you stop being in the military when you get discharged. however i dont recall ever being relived of my oath. I'll bet no vet can remember being relived of that oath. this makes it pretty hard to be out of the military. We vets are the line of defense that would form if we where attacked. its our role and we cant ever put it down. the paltry reward for this is our medical care, schooling, and a couple of paltry loans we can get (sometimes). used to be a DD214 was as good as a degree because you where trusted with lives,  equipment and training way beyond that of most civilian jobs. these days an honorable discharge is a piece of toilet paper. it means nothing in the job market and in some cases hurts your chances.

both parties pay face to these two things but they sure as heck aint going to do anything good about them. the folks up in the big shiny halls think of them as money being spent badly. this of course is due to most of them being silver spoon fed on the sweat of those old folks and vets.

again if the fed and state governments did the job they should be doing we would not be in the mess we are in. bank regulations are a federal job, the stock market should be a federal job, those things that affect us all are the fed jobs. those things that affect a state are the states jobs this includes the people in the state.  the state needs to get off the nut and resume doing the job it was created to do. currently what we seem to have is one huge state instead of a republic composed self governing states.

guess this is what you get when the idiots are in charge; and the idiots that vote are content to let all the decisions  be made in their name by power hungry idiots. Make your states take back the power its the only way to get the country back to its former promise.  get out into the streets think what's best for all, make rational decisions based on your own research, question the pork spending by asking if it benefits the whole of the country, make your state tax its population fairly, make the state take care of its population instead of handing that responsibility off to the feds. Read what Eisenhower said and take it to heart because his words have come true; maybe just maybe we can turn things around if we try.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Doctors are supposed to fix the broken bits.
 ya ever notice spin-doctors never  fix anything?
they just make it worse over time.

no wonder big business and politics love them.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Pirates in natural building

Erica went to our local natural building store yesterday to buy some supplies for this weekends work shop.
We dont normally buy stuff from this place for our work but some speciality items for work shops you just need top get. Mica, pigments, Etc. make a delightful additive to plasters and are hard to get unless you take a run to the mountains and find it.

any how the pigments dont cost much. However mica is running $15 dollars for about a cup and $99 dollars a bag and they sell cob mix in a 5 gal bucket for around $100.

 We can order a 50 lb bag of mica for $10 plus shipping and a gallon of milk paint costs around $7  a gallon for all the ingredients Cob cost almost nothing if you have clay in your subsoil. we got 3 yards of washed mason sand at $35 a yard and straw at $3 a bale.

I can understand making a living but those prices are bloody astronomical. this is the kind of thing that makes natural building look bad.  folks cant afford our work shops but will still pay this kind of price for a freeking gallon of paint! WTF is this some kind of joke. our damn work shops cost nothing in comparison to this boutique bull shit.... grrrr pisses me off when some jackass decides to make the cheap into a unreachable goal so some cash cow can feel superior cause he bought his cob mix in a bucket.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

business stuff

I am surly not cut from the same mold as those businessmen of the past.
1. I dont know how much the information i have is worth.
2. I dont want to work with folks who are assholes.

in regards to number two I would go so far as to say i would rather not get money from them cause it to is tainted with the same assholyness  and i will have to handle it; perhaps catching the disease.

Erica is much better than I at dealing with these people, she talks to them kindly and calmly and tries to build bridges with them. I think we should leave the river between us and build fortifications to ensure those folks feel unwelcome and never visit us again.

All this non violence gets on my nerves. I figure some ass is being rude and boorish he should be heading home with his teeth in his hat. Thats unacceptable behavior on shore. these days folks seem to think they have the right to freely express themselves and not suffer the consequences.

the ultimate freedom is to take full responsibility for your actions this includes the consequences. Pity this country has forgotten that last bit. A few of these assholes among us might learn some manners after spending a few years eating hamburgers through a straw.
its a bit of a rant

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

lap boat

so we head up to seattle today to look at the lap boat and make a decision. time flies when your having fun i guess. the boats name is Terra Nova. its a fitting name for what we have been planning. a new land indeed.