Wednesday, July 28, 2010

how to find a business name

well your guess is as good as mine. how do we find a business name that encompasses what we do and love yet is still catchy enough that folks will remember it? since much of what we do is teach hands on skills, appropriate tech and permiculture; what words do we use to describe those things simply and catchy?  anyone have ideas? i would suggest looking at our web site for ideas but thats kinda self promotion to my mind and thats not the point.

A big idea and a big boat

Erica and I finally have a sort of plan for our build. Probably not to exciting to those of you building Wharram's cause after a year of noodeling we have decided on a richard woods design. 

here goes.
Since we are teachers of hands on skills we have decided to teach a (12 months) year of high school program in boat building. the program will fulfill all the criteria for a year of high school including all the academic requirements.

the build will be (hopefully if enrollment and grants/donations can be found) a 40 foot Rhea. 
The decision on the boat was made for safety, weather and space considerations. also the type of missions the boat will be used for after/between the use in our teaching with trackers NW.

the initial mission for the program is to teach kids hands on boat building and curriculum directly related to the task at hand. After the boat is built it will become our home, a platform for kids hands on education and the second part of its mission will begin. 

since we teach hands on all of the systems on the boat will be appropriate technology  with only a few exceptions. this means that the systems like hot water heaters, generators, cooking facilities, blocks, sails, davits, electric motors, Etc. will be made from parts available in the waste stream for most countries. the boat it's self is as efficient of materials as we can find in our local area. instead of holding tanks for black water we plan on an insinolet and we will try to setup a grey water system that can recycle the water (probably either a steam distillation system or a reverse osmosis system) at his point the project will change its name from the year of high school big boat build to the permiculture life boat project.

the mission from this point will be an aid boat for coast disasters like tsunamis, earthquakes, typhoons, and hurricanes.  We will concentrate on those areas largely ignored by traditional aid providers; the outlying areas where food and materials are produced. our aim is to have a mobile medical and rebuilding center. that can get into shallow water and provide appropriate tech for rebuilding destroyed infrastructure and housing as quickly as possible with the local materials. the cost to the communities that choose to take it on; will be to build another boat with the appropriate tech and help other communities in need.  since we cant be every where the boat will also be used as a ocean research platform in the off season. 

thanks go to Richard woods who gave permission for these pic's
this has been my dream thirty years in the making its gone through many revisions to pare it down to the essence of good design and care for the ocean's and coasts i love so much. thanks for reading and we will be keeping this page up dated as we go along.