Sunday, February 19, 2012

interesting items

did you know you can get paid to Troll? shit on a shingle some slime bag hires folks to come to your site or blog and stir things up with ideological rhetoric that is probably not there own. What a bunch of scum! so here seems to be the father of the thing. and he seems to be a repuglican... Gee whoda thunk it; I am going to do a little bit of digging before i rape this feller cause i think everyone deserves a chance. Chip Griffin,CustomScoop, (, NetVocates, Ahh hell with it this guys as dirty as last weeks underwear. another tick feeding on you by telling us lies to sell stuff. it doesn't matter that it comes down a chain it's still the media sales big business lie factory run by the political asshats that think we are all morons.
I would like to see a graph one fine day of just the IQ scores of our politicians and the supporting folks who bow and scrape for them. I think what i would see is some really stupid folks that have a slime coating of charisma. A second tear of dummies that are to stupid to think for them selves. then the graph would take an uptick as we got into the lever of the blood suckers and parasites that are the life blood of politics. her we would begin to see some average IQ's, the next level is the internal parasites  Liver flukes and tape worms. this is where we actually see intelligence  this is where the Chip G types live deep in the guts laying eggs and weakening the whole animal so they can feed more effectively.

these internal parasites are the folk we can thank for the wing nuts. These are the talking head creators that pull the strings of the idiots at both ends. Let me say that these internal blood suckers latched into the walls of the guts are the same in both parties. 

How do we get rig of this kind of slime in our internet world? what is free speech when its paid for by a marketing company? I have some question as to if it is called free speech. this is the sort of thing that making companies citizens thing causes. If i Follow the Rules then these folks are the voice of the company and as a person the right of free speech applies. As a corp these are flunkies that should be black listed and every post deleted. I wonder why the netizens have not done away with these guys. Anonymous is concentrating on the wrong folks. in the internet freedom thing its folks Like I mentioned above that are the real threat to the nets.